Sunday, October 3, 2010

What would help you to be physically fit without working out?

Swimming is considered to be the best exercise that a man can do. It is one of those few exercise in which all of your body parts are used. Most people get bored while making other exercises, but swimming won't let you get bored. I was part of a swimming team approximately for one year. It helped me to remain healthy, and increased my acrobatic capacity. Through swimming one can continually use arms, legs and lungs which in return helps in building stronger muscles and losing wight. You won't feel any pain while swimming as compared to working out on land, therefore many professional athletes use water as rehabilitation when they suffer from an injury. 
There are four major types of swimming: breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke and freestyle. 
- Breaststroke is one of the most difficult techniques. In this technique you slide through water with your body moving up and down. 
- Butterfly is also difficult and should not be tried by beginners. In this technique legs move together in dolphin kick, while water is pushed downward and backward with the help of arms, moving together.
- Breaststroke is pretty easy compared to the previous one, arms are moved in a wind pattern, while rotating and passing the face. 
- Freestyle or crawl is one of the easiest swimming techniques, and the best one for beginners. It is done on the belly and involves the flutter kick and windmill arm motion.
I would encourage everyone to swim and help yourself, because swimming is the safest and most effective form of physical exercise these days. 

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